Tag: Cheating husband

  • Maybe This Contributes To Why Marriages Are Failing

    “It’s like this is now a trend”. The last two persons I told my divorce story said this immediately I told them I’m no longer married. I don’t know about trends. However, I have noticed that many people my age are now leaving their marriages. Easily. This is not an attempt to answer the question…

  • Episode 4: A Policeman Drove Into A Ditch For Me

    After years of being married to an emotionally abusive man, I found my confidence again in the most absurd way. Before getting married, marriage was this beautiful union that edified both partners. In my wildest imaginations, I could never have imagined marriage to be as demeaning as mine turned out to be. Here’s my story…

  • Episode 1: How My Previous Marriage Ended

    Dear Diary, “I don’t feel sexually attracted to you anymore”. “It feels like you’re just my roommate”. These were the words that Dozie, my husband of five years used to explain why he would no longer touch me. In the last six months, we had almost no sex, and I kept prodding to know why.…